Fauzy Chaniago
A freelance photojournalist, documentary and Portrait Photographer. was born Sumatra island and now based in Bali, Indonesia. Working for Editorial several news agencies. Interests are stories, culture, volcano, social issue, and environmental.
Publication in TIME, the New York Times, The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, The Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, National Geographic News, Smithsonian mag, Vox, Los Angeles Times, Le monde Microsoft, and any more.
• Training
2018 - Hostile Environment Awareness Training by ICRC and The Indonesian Armed Forces Peacekeeping Center in Sentul, Indonesia.
• Photobook
2020 - The Exhibition Vision 20/20: Community. Contemporary Indonesian Engaged Photography
2021 - Project “Pagebluk di Akar Rumput” by Kurawal Foundation
• Exhibition
2017 - Ark Project international art residency Exhibition in Oakland, California.
2017 - Exhibition Project "SAMSARA JIWA" on Program PannaMentorship in Goethe-Haus, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2019 - Exhibition project "SAMSARA JIWA" on JIPFEST - The Jakarta International Photo Festival at Ismail Marzuki Park, Jakarta - Indonesia.
2020 - Exhibition Vision 20/20: Community Contemporary Indonesian Engaged Photography project PannaFoto Institute, Living Atelier DK at Jakopič Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2020 - International Virtual Exhibition with Solo Photo Festival
2022 - Exhibition Pagebluk di AkarRumput on JIPFEST "The Jakarta International Photo Festival" at Soup N Film Blok M, Jakarta, Indonesia.Exhibition
2020 - The Exhibition Vision 20/20: Community. Contemporary Indonesian Engaged Photography At Jakopič Gallery, in Slovenia
2020 - project “Samsara Jiwa” on the International Virtual Exhibition by Solo Photo festival
2022 - A Project “Pagebluk di Akar Rumput”exhibition on the Jakarta International Photo Festival, at Jakarta, Indonesia.
Hello, I’m available Assignments Editorial, Portrait, and Stories.
Based in Bali, Indonesia.
Email : fauzychaniagoimage@gmail.com
Phone : (+62) 812 4666 3443